Saturday, October 29, 2005

Thought of the Day...


Have we ever asked a pertinent question whats education?
Have we ever made an attempt to answer?We have been using semantics to define the system of education and then we even make an attempt of hairsplitting analysis between education,litracy and knowledge.Lets suppose education is an acquired knowledge,based on imbibed theories and practical training,then its limted to the extent of the knowledge so acquired.Again litracy is once again remains a self limitng term.One who knows how to read and write can be safely called a litrate.A knowledgeble person is one who has acquired certain practical training and he is able to apply them to find suitable solution to unravel the mysteries of our envioron ment.In olden days,our Gurus and seers had an holistic knowledge about the human existance. To day its a fragmnetd knowledge.The other day I was talking to a Villager who told me about the medicinal use of a banyan tree.He told me how he can cure bleeding ulcers with the help of its leaves.How papya can cure peptic ulcers and its seeds used for curing cirrhosis of liver and many more.Does our modern education had imparted this knowledge .No.Our modern education has created markets for the Western Multinational drug company to dump their dangerous and banned drugs in India.Many of us have found while allopathic science has limited efficacy,but still our habit to resort to it at the drop of our hat cannot be gainsaid.We know the dangerous drug reactions and its side effects. The modern specialists has only sectoral knowledge with the result the correlations and causative factors are overlooked.The modern gadgets picture theorgans as they are exisitng at the moment,but not beyond.The metabolism undergoes changes rapidly,one need to monitor that very carefully.The ancient knowledge of helping our body to rectify itself had been given a go by.Iam happy there are many who are now eveincing interests in alternative medicines and the WHO has started recongnising it.Similarly we must start recongnising the need to have alternative knowledge,an holistic one,and we must free our minds from the shackels of Maculays educational syatem.If we are keen to prevent the total eradication of our ancient knowldge in the era of globalisation,we must then wake up.We must change our educational syatem.A student of Arts,Science or Commerce or management should be able to be creative should know basic medical sciences,must be familiar with music and arts and should be able to keep his body and mind healthy by yoga and physical exercises.All of us should make efforts to change our syatem.Lets do it

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